Who we are
Pollinators Inc is a member-based social enterprise founded as an Incorporated Association in December 2010 in Geraldton, Western Australia. Being a social enterprise means we operate like a business, generating our revenue from paying customers. Using a mix of earned revenue and grant funding we are able to achieve our social mission and grow thriving regional communities while remaining financially resilient.
Our Purpose:
We facilitate opportunities and networks to grow innovation and entrepreneurship capability for the benefit of the Mid West Community.
Our Values:
Connected — Collaborative — Creative
Our Objectives include:
Community: grow and retain our community, providing compelling reasons to be a member of the Pollinators community.
Innovation: facilitate the delivery of an innovation ecosystem that demonstrably improved the social and economic wellbeing of the Mid West.
Financial Performance: have reliable, diversified revenue streams which ensure the organisation’s ability to deliver sustainably.
Strategic Partnerships: seek and nurture strategic partnerships with government, business, and community groups to leverage our ability to facilitate a regional innovation ecosystem.
Communication: clearly community our value proposition, celebrate our successes, share learnings, and learn from others.
Our Vision:
The Mid West Community values the significant economic and social benefits from innovation and entrepreneurship facilitated through Pollinators and its networks.