Celebrate the success of your class presentations. Invite another class, parents, or administration staff to view your expo and gallery of Carbon Zero Future solutions. Also, when is pizza not a good idea? And it comes in compostable cardboard packaging, win-win.
Learning Areas: English, HASS, HPE, Technologies, Science
Year Levels: 5-10
Teaching Time: 55 mins.
Resources required:
• Device capable of presenting a video or slideshow to the class
• Journal (exercise or scrapbook) 1 per student
• Letter, card or postcard writing materials
Level of teacher scaffolding:
• Medium - facilitate class discussion
• Complete final rubrics for students
Learning Intentions
Presenting to an authentic audience is not only motivating for students but can take learning deeper. When students present their work publicly, they find out what it's like to respond to challenging questions and to receive constructive critique. They also gain real-world experience in using their communication skills to get across ideas clearly and concisely.
Students are able to claim identity as an innovators, creators and solutions thinkers. They are empowered and can co-create a Carbon Zero Future.
10 minutes
Students write a thank you letter, card or postcard to local industry partners, presenter and judges.
10 minutes
Local newspaper or radio reporter interviews and photographs students. Look forward to publication date!
10 minutes
In a more relaxed fashion than the formal expo, students explain their solution to a gallery walk from your invited guests. This is an opportunity to act upon any feedback from judges.
While enjoying a well deserved class party, encourage students to share their highlights from the experience.
Pose the question; What should be the theme of our next Solutions Thinking Journey?
Lesson 1 Introduction
Lesson 2 Define
Lesson 3 Discover
Lesson 4 Dream
Lesson 5 Design
Lesson 6 Deliver
Lesson 7 Debrief
Lesson 8 Expo
Lesson 9 Expo
Lesson 10 Celebrate