Students dive into DISCOVER mode as they research the problem they intend to solve. Industry partner reveals more real-world application of sustainable solutions. We practice asking good research questions.
Learning Areas: English, HASS, HPE, Technologies, Science
Year Levels: 5-10
Teaching Time: 55 mins.
Resources required:
• Device capable of presenting a video to the class
• Journal (exercise or scrapbook) 1 per student
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion
Learning Intentions
• Students have a clear understanding of the problem and its background. They understand the underlying processes and concepts and are able and ready to consider and design a solution in the next stages.
Keywords: Innovation, Criteria, Define
Create a new idea or innovate on an existing sustainable solution. You do not need to make the product nor know how to design it - just come up with an innovative idea. Develop your idea to the pitch/presentation stage. Include a poster or slide. You can present your idea in person or via video, 3 minutes in length. A panel of judges will provide feedback.
Refer to the 6 Stages of Solutions Thinking.
5 minutes
In groups of 4 begin drawing on one blank page in your journal. It can be a pattern, a sketch, representational or abstract. After one minute (use timer), pass journals to the left so that after one minute each, every group member has contributed to your original drawing. This task is best carried out in silence, with no input or comment from students or teacher.
This task is a reminder that the idea we had planned does not always turn out as we expected. Others see things differently. You gain an awareness of other points of view. You could learn who might be great at helping with your poster - ask them to join your team!
DISCOVERY: This is the exploration stage. Skills include determining where the information is, skimming, scanning, and scouring the information, and taking smart notes. Discovery stage ensures solution seekers diligently research the problem they intend to solve.
While today’s industry partner reveals more real-world application of sustainable solutions, we practice asking good research questions.
For example;
• What is the problem to be solved?
• Who cares about this problem and why?
• What have others done?
• What is your solution to the problem?
• How can you demonstrate that your solution is a good one?
10 minutes
Industry partner incursion or video (videos will continue to be made available on our website). Find all our support resources and links in tab below all lesson plans.
Encourage students to ask good DISCOVERY questions.
For example;
• What is the problem to be solved?
• Who cares about this problem and why?
• What have others done?
• What is your solution to the problem?
• How can you demonstrate that your solution is a good one?
5 minutes
Before you complete your Journey Map today, revisit your "WHY".
Plot where you intend to spend your time today.
It might be time for DISCOVERY!
5 minutes
Review understanding of existing vocabulary.
Add Scan, Scour & Skim to the word wall.
20 minutes
Have you DEFINED the problem you wish to solve? Now is a good time for DISCOVERY. Ask yourself good research questions, such as;
Who cares?
Is there already an existing solution?
5 minutes
Chart where you spent your project time on your Journey Map.
Sleep on it
Don't fall in love with your first idea, you don't have to marry it! Great solutions take many iterations