Collective dreaming, toward a Carbon Zero Future.
This lesson honours and acknowledges indigenous ways of being and acting in the environment that has maintained balance and sustainability for millennia. In the spirit of reconciliation and walking together into the future, this lesson creates spaciousness to dream of a Carbon Zero Future and new ways of being and thinking. We examine our 'why' for working toward a Carbon Zero Future. Without a dream you can’t have a vision, goal or innovation.
Learning Areas: English, HASS, HPE, Technologies, Science
Year Levels: 5-10
Teaching Time: 55 mins.
Resources required:
(Links to videos etc. are all available from the resources tab at the bottom)
• Device capable of presenting a video to the class
• Journal (exercise or scrapbook) 1 per student
• Materials for collage, magazines, glue, scissors
Teacher preparation: Invite industry partners to be guest speakers, and to join judging panel. Advise of dates and times. Provide online video conference option for guest speaker if possible..
Level of teacher scaffolding: Medium – facilitate class discussion
Learning Intentions
• Introduce the NextGen challenge brief
• Acknowledge that Traditional Owners have been implementing sustainable practices for millennia
• Students should build an understanding of their 'why' regarding sustainable solutions
• Commence Solutions Thinking steps; Define, Discover, Dream.
Keywords: Futurology, Carbon Zero, Carbon Neutral, Carbon Sequestration
Create a new idea or innovate on an existing sustainable solution. You do not need to make the product nor know how to design it - just come up with an innovative idea. Develop your idea to the pitch/presentation stage. Include a poster or slide. You can present your idea in person or via video, 3 minutes in length. A panel of judges will provide feedback.
10 minutes - Viewing, Speaking, Listening
View the following video, discuss statement above and the following. consideration;
"We should think and act for the 7 generations ahead of us."
View 2040 trailer.
Refer to Word Wall,
Carbon Zero: refers to no production of carbon emissions derived from a product or service.
Carbon Neutral: removing as much CO2 from the atmosphere as we emit, that is, having a balance between carbon emission and carbon absorption from the atmosphere (carbon sequestration).
Futurology: is the systematic study of possible, probable and preferable futures including the worldviews and myths that underlie each future.
5 minutes - Oral storytelling
Let's leap into the future, a Carbon Zero Future. We will describe a day in the life, filled with sustainable solutions.
Teacher commences; e.g.
"I get out of my energized lightbed in my own independent mobile eco pod. Put on my organic hemp jumpsuit suitable for fitness, work and comfort. Shoes are optional as the footpaths are made of a clean, buoyant footprint powered energy mats which contribute to powering my suburb and improving my health," ....
Students take turns taking over story. Prompts can include;
• What did I eat?
• How did it grow?
• How do I shop?
• Where do I go next?
• How do I get there?
• Who do I meet?
• What do they do?
• How do I spend my day?
• How do I feel? Why?
5 minutes
Students create a simple T-chart in their journal, titled THE FUTURE.
In one column students list Dreams, in the other column list Concerns.
After filling in columns, complete the following statement;
My 'why' for co-creating a Carbon Zero Future is....
15 minutes
There are 6 stages in Solutions Thinking;
Define, Discover, Dream, Design, Deliver, Debrief.
We are going to jump into the middle and take some time to Dream. Imagine a Carbon Zero Future. Bring our collective story to life in your mind. What do the cities, countryside, oceans look like. Consider your home, your food, your gardens.
In your journal sketch, brainstorm, write, collage or create infographics to capture your ideas.
Refer to Word Wall - check for understandings.
We have begun the process of meeting the challenge of us all creating an innovative solution toward a Carbon Zero Future.
Next time - we will meet a local sustainable industry partner to hear of their product, design, idea, opportunities and challenges.
Sleep on it
Which sector of STEM are you most interested in? You could create a sustainable solution in textiles, food, agriculture, energy, waste management, transport, housing, medicine, health & fitness, or even entertainment.
It can all contribute to a Carbon Zero Future.