Carbon Zero Future Expo
Roll out the red carpet for the judging panel and student stars. The pitches and presentations begin.
Learning Areas: English, HASS, HPE, Technologies, Science
Year Levels: 5-10
Teaching Time: 55 mins.
Resources required:
• Device capable of presenting a video or slideshow to the class
• Journal (exercise or scrapbook) 1 per student
Level of teacher scaffolding:
• Medium - facilitate class discussion
• Conference with students regarding project development
Teacher preparation: Contact local reporter (radio or newspaper) to extend invitation to report on students' Carbon Zero Future Journey. Set date as the final celebration (Lesson 10).
Learning Intentions
Presenting to an authentic audience is not only motivating for students but can take learning deeper. When students present their work publicly, they find out what it's like to respond to challenging questions and to receive constructive critique. They also gain real-world experience in using their communication skills to get across ideas clearly and concisely.
Students are prepared and confident in presenting their Carbon Zero Future. The presentations begin. There are two lessons reserved for the presentations.
10 minutes
Students create thank you letters, cards or postcards to your contributing industry partners, presenters and judges.
10 minutes
A time to review and analyze your idea and pitch and identify any areas for improvement. this is an integral part of taking responsibility for your own learning.
Journal feedback from judges.
20 minutes
How have the students experienced this culminating event? Give the students a chance to assess the unit and the teacher's delivery (with tact).
How have you prepared both students and audiences to make the most of these events?
Use your journal to record feedback or questions you received from the panel.
Reflect on how you felt giving your presentation and how you feel now that it is done.
5 minutes
Sometimes, students discover that their efforts lead to real action.
To make the most of these opportunities, make sure that audience members know what you're asking of them during a showcase event. Perhaps there is a student solution that could be pitched to the City Council or an existing business.
Sleep on it
What if... your solution proved to be viable to a business or mentor. Dream big! What other problems need your attention and your innovative solutions thinking?!
Lesson 1 Introduction
Lesson 2 Define
Lesson 3 Discover
Lesson 4 Dream
Lesson 5 Design
Lesson 6 Deliver
Lesson 7 Debrief
Lesson 8 Expo
Lesson 9 Expo
Lesson 10 Celebrate